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The beginning

Joy of Mathematics (abbrev: JoM) has made its launch to the internet world in January, $2015$. Its main purpose was to promote the mathematical ideal around the globe. It is mainly focused on university mathematics (of any level) as well as general mathematics and mathematical contests (of any level).

In the very first few months JoM had only few posts (no more than $15$) and it was attracting few people , mainly from the local community. However, in June $2015$ after its official announcement  in the creator's facebook page its popularity increased rapidly. Not only people from the local community knew about it but its reputation got out of the borders reaching countries such as Pakistan, India, Japan, China and all the way up to America and Canada.

The evolution

Since that period JoM is constantly on the upgrade both on material presented here and on the template so that is appealing to most human eyes. A navigation menu (with description on it) was added so that most of the categories are supported. ${\rm \LaTeX}$ typesetting has been also improved by modifying the MathJaX package so that the output was much cleaner. 


One of the innovations JoM is trying to do is to collect known theorems or exercises so that they are all gathered under one roof. The tutorial section is underway but a progress of it has already been made in its official facebook page (facebook link floating on the far right). To achieve such a goal JoM cooperates with many internet sites around the globe incuding many fora (some of them can be found in the partner's page at the footer) but here are some of the mainest:

  • AoPS
The Future 

The creator hopes that the future of JoM be bright. Every day we have visitors from around the globe. Some of our top country visitors are United States, Romania, Vietnam, India, Russia, United Kingdom and Greece. All these people are united in this page under only one passion: Maths. The creator would like to thank you all for embracing this effort. Thanks to you within a year or so JoM has more than $19.000$ page views. 

Creator's informations

The creator's name (who is the only contributor to this site so far) is Tolaso J. Kos . You may find him at the following adresses:

  • Facebook profile: (
  • ( )
If you have further questions about the website please use the contact form and adress them to the creator of the website. 

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