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Integrals and Series
  1. Euler Sum
  2. A tough integral
  3. A series  evaluation  
  4. Alternating series
  5. Double Integral
  6. Series
  7. Integral involving a logarithm
  8. Evaluating sum
  9. Alternating Euler Sum
  10. Improper Integral 
  11. From Russian Mathematical Olympiad 
  12. Coxeter Integral
  13. Integral arising from Fourier Series
  14. Integral and logarithm
  15. Integral with floor function 
  16. An integral with arccosine 
  17. On polygamma reflection formula 
  18.  Series of Bessel function  
  19.  Estimation of series 
  20.  A limit 
  21. Improper integral 
  22. Closed form of a sum 
  23. Ramanujan's result 
  24. Infinite product 
  25. Contour integral 
  26. Definite integral
  27. Evaluation of integral  
  28. Integral with arctangents
  29. Improper integral with logarithm
  30. An integral with arctan
  31. An integral involving Somphomore's Dream Constant
  32. A generalized form of integral
  33. Integral and trilogarithm 
  34. Logarithmic integral 
  35. Improper integral with logarithm 
  36. Integral with digamma 
  37. Contour integral and residue at infinity 
  38. Definite integral
  39. Fresnel integrals
  40. Improper integral with sinus
  41. Integral with trigonometric
  42. The consequences of π 
  43. An inverse tanh integral 
  44. A squared sum and integral 
  45. A definite arctan squared integral  
  46. Log. Integral 
  47. An $n$ dimensional integral  
  48. Definite integral with parameter 
  49. A relation with complex unity and logs. 
  50. A digamma series 
  51. Logarithmic integral and Euler sums 
  52. A Fibonacci sum 
  53. Trigonometric mixed with exponential integral 
  54. A generalized integral 
  55. Integral with fractional part
  56. Alternating binomial series
  57. An Euler trigonometric sum
  58. A sinh integral
  59. An integral with log. and arctan
  60. An Euler non linear sum 
  61. A closed form for a generalized sin integral 
  62. A squared log. integral 
  63. A definite integral 
  64. A definite symmetric integral 
  65. Logarithmic improper integral
  66. Integral with logarithm and exponential
  67. $\int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{\log \cos x}{\tan x}\, dx$
  68. On a relation between Euler sums
  69. Parametric integral with logarithm
  70. $\int_0^\infty \frac{\sin^2 (\tan x)}{x^2}\, dx$
  71. Α weird infinite product 
  72. A zeta series
  73. An arctan integral
  74. Double lattice sums
  75. Double exponential integral
  76. A series with factorials
  77. Double alternating sum
  78. Series
  79. Dirichlet Series
  80. Α $\zeta(2n+1)$ series
  81. $\sum \limits_{n=1}^{\infty} (\zeta(2n) - \beta(2n))$
  82. Alternating series with eta
  83. Integral with dilogarithm
  84. $ \int_{0}^{\pi/2} \frac{\log^2 \left ( \tan x \right )}{\sin^2 \left ( x- \frac{\pi}{4} \right )} \;dx$
  85. An equality of two finite sums
  86. Integral with logarithm
  87. Series with trilogarithm
  88. Integral with log and trigonometric 
  89. A log integral 
  90. A beautiful double sum 
  91. Double alternating sum 
  92. Probably a beauty and a beast 
  93. A very interesting integral

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